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Abraham Martín Muñoz

Principal Investigator

Ramón y Cajal Fellow, Ikerbasque Research Associate

Abraham Martín Muñoz



Tel.:(+34) 94 601 8278

Science Park UPV/EHU, Sede building
B. Sarriena, s/n
E-48940 Leioa Spain

About me

Abraham Martin studied Biology at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. In 2002, he spent a few months at the University of California Los Angeles (USA) learning PET imaging. After this stay, he started his PhD at the Institute of Biomedical Research of Barcelona (IIBB-CSIC) under the supervision of the Prof. Anna M. Planas to work on the role of hyperglycemia on neuroinflammatory response after ischemic stroke. During his PhD, he worked as visiting scholar in the lab of Prof. Jorge Ripoll at the Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser-FORTH (Greece), where he applied optical imaging technology to the study of immunodepression following stroke. He received his PhD in 2007 and he moved to the Institut d’Imagerie Biomedicale du Commissariat à l’énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (I2BM-CEA) (France) where he spent some years in the Professor Bertrand Tavitian’s lab applying multimodal imaging to study inflammation and vascular changes after brain ischemia. In 2010, he joined the Molecular Imaging Unit at CIC biomaGUNE in San Sebastian (Spain) as Research Associate to continue with his research on in vivo imaging of preclinical stroke.

In 2018, He joined ACHUCARRO as Ramon y Cajal and Ikerbasque Fellow researcher as Principal Investigator to found his research group.

His main research line has been focused on the relevance of neuroreceptors on inflammatory reaction following stroke using in vivo nuclear imaging techniques and he has described novel biomarkers that can contribute to accelerate the development of novel therapies for stroke (J Neurosci. 2015 Apr 15;35(15):5998-6009; Theranostics. 2016 Jul 9;6(11):1753-67; Glia. 2018 Aug;66(8):1611-1624; Ther Adv Neurol Disord. 2018 May 4;11:1756286418774267; Theranostics. 2021 Jan 1;11(1):410-425; J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 2023 Mar 13:271678X231161207.

During the last years he has gained great experience in new applications of the nanotechnology to the biomedicine and molecular imaging fields. This new research line deals with the use of novel nanomaterials for (i) a better diagnosis and treatment of blood brain barrier disruption and (ii) the neuronal activation of ischemic penumbra following ischemic stroke.


  1. Neuroaxonal Injury May Mediate the Association Between Hyperglycemia and Prognosis in Spontaneous Subarachnoid Hemorrhage

    Santana, Daniel; Llull, Laura; Mosteiro, Alejandra; Pedrosa, Leire; Pujol, Gabriel; Zattera, Luigi; Werner, Mariano; Martín, Abraham; Justicia, Carles; Chamorro, Ángel; Torné, Ramón; Amaro, Sergio
    Molecular Neurobiology (Jul, 2024) DOI: 10.1007/s12035-024-04347-6
  2. Alpha7 nicotinic receptors as potential theranostic targets for experimental stroke

    Garbizu, Maider; Aguado, Laura; Martín, Abraham
    Neural Regeneration Research (May, 2024) DOI: 10.4103/1673-5374.385294
  3. Multimodal imaging of the role of hyperglycemia following experimental subarachnoid hemorrhage

    Joya, Ana; Plaza-García, Sandra; Padro, Daniel; Aguado, Laura; Iglesias, Leyre; Garbizu, Maider; Gómez-Vallejo, Vanessa; Laredo, Carlos; Cossío, Unai; Torné, Ramon; Amaro, Sergio; Planas, Anna M; Llop, Jordi; Ramos-Cabrer, Pedro; Justicia, Carles; Martín, Abraham
    Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism (Sep, 2023) DOI: 10.1177/0271678X231197946
  4. Therapeutic effect of α7 nicotinic receptor activation after ischemic stroke in rats

    Aguado, Laura; Joya, Ana; [...] Llop, Jordi; Martín, Abraham
    Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism (Mar, 2023) DOI: 10.1177/0271678X231161207
  5. Pharmacokinetic Evaluation of New Drugs Using a Multi-Labelling Approach and PET Imaging: Application to a Drug Candidate with Potential Application in Neuromuscular Disorders

    Passannante, Rossana; Gómez-Vallejo, Vanessa; [...] Aizpurua, Jesus M.; Llop, Jordi
    Biomedicines (Jan, 2023) DOI: 10.3390/biomedicines11020253
  6. Assessment of Regional Lung Ventilation with Positron Emission Tomography Using the Radiofluorinated Gas [18F]SF6: Application to an Animal Model of Impaired Ventilation

    Passannante, Rossana; Gómez-Vallejo, Vanessa; Cossío, Unai; Ruiz-Cabello, Jesús; Lekuona, Aitor; Salinas, Victor; Amado-Rodríguez, Laura; Albaiceta, Guillermo M.; Martín, Abraham; Rejc, Luka; Llop, Jordi
    Molecular Imaging and Biology (Sep, 2022) DOI: 10.1007/s11307-022-01773-7
  7. Longitudinal evaluation of neuroinflammation and oxidative stress in a mouse model of Alzheimer disease using positron emission tomography

    Rejc, Luka; Gómez-Vallejo, Vanessa; Joya, Ana; Arsequell, Gemma; Egimendia, Ander; Castellnou, Pilar; Ríos-Anglada, Xabier; Cossío, Unai; Baz, Zuriñe; Iglesias, Leyre; Capetillo-Zarate, Estibaliz; Ramos-Cabrer, Pedro; Martin, Abraham; Llop, Jordi
    Alzheimer's Research & Therapy (Jun, 2022) DOI: 10.1186/s13195-022-01016-5
  8. Endovascular administration of magnetized nanocarriers targeting brain delivery after stroke

    Grayston, Alba; Zhang, Yajie; Garcia-Gabilondo, Miguel; Arrúe, Mercedes; Martin, Abraham; Kopcansky, Peter; Timko, Milan; Kovac, Jozef; Strbak, Oliver; Castellote, Laura; Belloli, Sara; Moresco, Rosa M; Picchio, Maria; Roig, Anna; Rosell, Anna
    Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism (Feb, 2022) DOI: 10.1177/0271678X211028816
  9. Opposite alterations of 5­HT 2A receptor brain density in subjects with schizophrenia: relevance of radiotracers pharmacological profile

    Diez-Alarcia, Rebeca; Muguruza, Carolina; Rivero, Guadalupe; García-Bea, Aintzane; Gómez-Vallejo, Vanessa; Callado, Luis F.; Llop, Jordi; Martín, Abraham; Meana, J. Javier
    Translational Psychiatry (May, 2021) DOI: 10.1038/s41398-021-01430-7