Hasiera » Seminars » The role of tanycytes in energy balance

The role of tanycytes in energy balance

Ruben Nogueiras Pozo

CIMUS, University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain)

29 Jan 2024 13:00

Aketxe Room, Sede Building, Leioa

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 The blood brain barrier is generally attributed to endothelial cells. However, in circumventricular organs, such as the median eminence, tanycytes take over the barrier function. These ependymoglial cells form the wall of the third ventricle and send long extensions into the parenchyma to contact blood vessels and hypothalamic neurons. The shape and location of tanycytes put them in and ideal position to connect the periphery with the central nervous compartments. In line with this, tanycytes control the transport of hormones and key metabolites in and out of the hipothalamus. They function as sensors of peripheral homeostasis for central regulatory networks. Herein, we will discuss current evidence that tanycytes play a key role in regulating energy balance.

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