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Parkinsonaren Munduko Eguna 2024

Urtero, apirilaren 11n, Parkinsonaren Eguna ospatzen dugu. Parkinsona garunak dopamina sortzeko duen gaitasunari eragiten dion gaixotasun neurologikoa da, mugimendua kontrolatzen laguntzen digun substantzia kimikoa. Pixkanakako ...

Annual Report 2023 available online

The Board of Trustees of ACHUCARRO approved the annual report and accounts of the year 2023 at their meeting on March 20th. The Board recognised the ...

Renewal of ISAC panel

Following our periodic renewal of members of the external scientific advisory committee, we are happy that Prof. Leda Dimou (Ulm University, Germany) and Prof. Joao ...

Farewell Laboratory of Neuronal Excitability

The Laboratory of Neuronal Excitability, led since 2016 by Dr. Jan Tønnesen, has just completed its move to the Biofisika Institute. Jan joined ACHUCARRO when ...

Our Advanced Light Microscopy node within Euro-BioImaging, officialy in!

Five new Nodes were approved by the Euro-BioImaging Board in early January 2024, bringing our official Node count to 41. These five new Nodes, which ...

Emakumeak zientzian, bizimodu bete baten bila dabiltzan pertsonak

Hogeita hamabi euskal erakundek elkarrekin antolatu dute Emakumeak Zientzian ekimenaren 8. edizioa Gipuzkoan, Bizkaian eta Araban. Edizio honen helburu nagusia da azpimarratzea zientzialari eta teknologoek ...