Home » Seminars » Astrocytes as key elements in the efficiency of sensory information processing by cortical networks

Astrocytes as key elements in the efficiency of sensory information processing by cortical networks

Juliana M Rosa

Hospital Nacional de Parapléjicos, IDISCAM (Toledo, Spain)

03 Nov 2023 13:00

Aketxe Room, Sede Building, Leioa

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Cortical astrocytes are able to respond to peripheral sensory stimulation by following the somatotopic neuronal arrangement. But how this mirroring astrocytic activity contributes to the computation of information to regulate behavior is less clear. In this talk, I will present our latest results showing the ability of astrocytes in adjusting the sensitivity and gain of cortical networks involved in the processing and discrimination of specific sensory modalities. We demonstrate that by controlling the level of ongoing spontaneous activity and connectivity across layers, cortical astrocytes regulate the integration and processing of arriving inputs through a cell-circuit specialization with inhibitory neurons. Also, I will show data demonstrating that the astrocytic-modulation of sensory processing is layer-specific, impacting the discrimination of tactile and thermal inputs known to arrive at distinct layers of the cortical column. All the aforementioned results, demonstrates that astrocytes control the background excitability of cortical circuitries to optimize neuronal computation of sensory inputs, thereby contributing to sensory processing and behavior output.

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This seminar has the financial support of UPV/EHU.