Guide to applicants
Our recruitment process follows the principles of the European Strategy for Researchers and the Open, Transparent, Merit-based Recruitment directives (HRS4R and OTM-R). We also maintain a strong commitment towards Equality.
One of the ways to join ACHUCARRO is through the achievement of a grant from one of the competitive calls in our sector (see Recruitment programmes below).
In the cases where applicants need a reference or support letter, we request a Research Statement with specific details of future research plans and objectives. Together with the CV or resume of the candidate, we use both to assess the alignment of the applicant with the Research Strategy of ACHUCARRO.
If you are considering the possibility of joining us using any of the external competitive programmes (see below), we encourage you to contact some weeks/months before each call is opened, so we can properly assess your profile and plans.
The information that you send will be managed with complete confidentiality, and only the Directorate will have access to it (and maybe some people from our internal committees for the evaluation of applications, who sign confidentiality and absence of conflict of interest agreements).
Recruitment Programmes

Tenure-track style 5 year contract, for post-doctoral profile researchers (>=R3)
Call usually opens in the first quarter of each year (Jan-Mar)
Permanent contracts for Senior Researchers, more than 4 years international research experience (>=R4) required.
Call usually opens in the second/third quarter of each year (May-Sep)

12 to 24 months duration, for post-doctoral profile researchers (>=R2)
Call usually opens in the second/third quarter of each year (Apr-Sep)

Achucarro is an eligible host institutions for the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and the National Research Agency (AEI, Agencia Estatal de Investigación) calls:
Postdoctoral contracts for early career (R2) researchers.
Call usually will open in the first quarter of each year, as from 2022 (Jan-Feb)
Tenure-track style 5 year contract, for post-doctoral profile researchers (>=R3).
Call usually will open in the first quarter of each year, as from 2022 (Jan-Feb)