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Laboratory of Neurobiology



The main objective of the group is the in-depth study of the molecular bases of neurodegeneration and neuroprotection. More specifically, we investigate how neurons and glial cells die following insults which are relevant to neurological diseases including Alzheimer´s disease, multiple sclerosis and brain ischemia. To that end, we use experimental paradigms in vitro and in vivo in which we alter glutamate and ATP homeostasis, as well as the cannabinoid system, to activate signaling cascades and discover new mechanisms leading to cell death and how to prevent it. In turn, we also study how?-amyloid, a major pathogenic agent in Alzheimer’s disease, signals to neurons and glia and causes their demise. In addition, we are investigating the mechanisms underlying white matter damage in axons and oligodendrocytes in experimental ischemia and in animal models of multiple sclerosis. These activities are relevant to the discovery of new molecular targets that can be exploited for the development of new therapies with drugs. Moreover, we are also examining the potential of neurogenesis, as an endogenous mechanism to repair ongoing damage, and learning how to implement it for ameliorating brain function after injury.



In vitro models of neurotoxicity; Animal models of disease; Postmortem brain tissue from neurodegenerative diseases; and biological samples from patients in collaboration with neurologists and psychiatrists.


Cellular and molecular neurobiology; Electrophysiology; Calcium imaging; Immunochemistry; Light and electron microscopy; and Genotyping and functional genomics


Latest publications

  1. A nonlinear meccano for Alzheimer's emergence by amyloid ββ-mediated glutamatergic hyperactivity

    Bonifazi, Giulio; Luchena, Celia; Gaminde-Blasco, Adhara; Ortiz-Sanz, Carolina; Capetillo-Zarate, Estibaliz; Matute, Carlos; Alberdi, Elena; De Pittà, Maurizio
    Neurobiology of Disease (May, 2024) DOI: 10.1016/j.nbd.2024.106473
  2. Neddylation orchestrates the complex transcriptional and posttranscriptional program that drives Schwann cell myelination

    Ayuso-García, Paula; Sánchez-Rueda, Alejandro; [...] Varela-Rey, Marta; Woodhoo, Ashwin
    Science Advances (Apr, 2024) DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.adm7600
  3. Combining imaging mass spectrometry and immunohistochemistry to analyse the lipidome of spinal cord inflammation

    Calvo, Ibai; Montilla, Alejandro; Huergo, Cristina; Martín-Saiz, Lucía; Martín-Allende, Javier; Tepavcevic, Vanja; Domercq, María; Fernández, José A.
    Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (Mar, 2024) DOI: 10.1007/s00216-024-05190-3
  4. Combining imaging mass spectrometry and immunohistochemistry to analyse the lipidome of spinal cord inflammation

    Calvo, Ibai; Montilla, Alejandro; Huergo, Cristina; Martín-Saiz, Lucía; Martín-Allende, Javier; Tepavcevic, Vanja; Domercq, María; Fernández, José A.
    Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (Feb, 2024) DOI: 10.1007/s00216-024-05190-3
  5. Alterations of Oligodendrocyte and Myelin Energy Metabolism in Multiple Sclerosis

    López-Muguruza, Eneritz; Matute, Carlos
    International Journal of Molecular Sciences (Aug, 2023) DOI: 10.3390/ijms241612912
  6. Hepatic levels of S-adenosylmethionine regulate the adaptive response to fasting

    Capelo-Diz, Alba; Lachiondo-Ortega, Sofía; [...] Martínez-Chantar, María Luz; Varela-Rey, Marta
    Cell Metabolism (Jul, 2023) DOI: 10.1016/j.cmet.2023.07.002
  7. 27-hydroxycholesterol promotes oligodendrocyte maturation: Implications for hypercholesterolemia-associated brain white matter changes

    Alanko, Vilma; Gaminde-Blasco, Adhara; Quintela-López, Tania; Loera-Valencia, Raúl; Solomon, Alina; Björkhem, Ingemar; Cedazo-Minguez, Angel; Maioli, Silvia; Tabacaru, Graziella; Latorre-Leal, María; Matute, Carlos; Kivipelto, Miia; Alberdi, Elena; Sandebring-Matton, Anna
    Glia (Jun, 2023) DOI: 10.1002/glia.24348
  8. Spatial organization of neuron–astrocyte interactions in the somatosensory cortex

    Baraibar, Andrés M; Belisle, Lindsey; Marsicano, Giovanni; Matute, Carlos; Mato, Susana; Araque, Alfonso; Kofuji, Paulo
    Cerebral Cortex (Apr, 2023) DOI: 10.1093/cercor/bhac357
  9. Therapeutic effect of α7 nicotinic receptor activation after ischemic stroke in rats

    Aguado, Laura; Joya, Ana; [...] Llop, Jordi; Martín, Abraham
    Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism (Mar, 2023) DOI: 10.1177/0271678X231161207
  10. Astrocyte endfoot formation controls the termination of oligodendrocyte precursor cell perivascular migration during development

    Su, Yixun; Wang, Xiaorui; [...] Yi, Chenju; Niu, Jianqin
    Neuron (Jan, 2023) DOI: 10.1016/j.neuron.2022.10.032