Strategic Research Programme 2022-2025
The overall objective of the Achucarro Basque Center for Neuroscience is to perform co-ordinated multidisciplinary research of the brain functions on all levels from single molecules through individual cells and acutely isolated nervous tissues to the brain networks operating in vivo to further advance the discoveries in physiology and pathophysiology of the nervous system.
In particular, the main strategic direction of the centre is the in depth study of neuronal-glial biology in normal and pathological brain.
The strategic research plan for 2022-2025 continues concentrating on the 3 main programmes:
- Neuro-Glial interactions in brain diseases
- Glial modulation of brain structure and function
- Gliotheranostics
This research programmes is aligned with the objectives and principles that inspired the Declaration of the European Dana Alliance for the Brain, that we endorse and commit to.