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Rodrigo Senovilla Ganzo

Predoctoral Researcher

Rodrigo Senovilla Ganzo


Correo electró

Science Park of the UPV/EHU, Sede building
Barrio Sarriena, s/n
E-48940 Leioa

About me

Rodrigo Senovilla-Ganzo studied Biochemistry at the University of Barcelona (UB), performing his internship in the group of Evolution of endocine regulations at the Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle (Paris, France). Later, he began a master’s degree in Neuroscience at the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM) with internships at the Institute for Biomedical Research (Madrid, Spain), working on thyroid hormones and the development of the auditory system. In 2020, he began his doctorate at Achucarro Basque Center for Neuroscience under the supervision of Dr. Fernando García-Moreno. His main interests are to discover the diversity of neural stem cells in the development of the vertebrate brain and the evolutionarily conserved neurogenic mechanisms of these cells.


  1. BirthSeq, a new method to isolate and analyze dated cells in different vertebrates

    Rueda-Alaña, Eneritz; Grillo, Marco; Vázquez, Enrique; Salas, Sergio Marco; Senovilla-Ganzo, Rodrigo; Escobar, Laura; Quintas, Ana; Benguría, Alberto; Aransay, Ana María; Bengoa-Vergniory, Nora; Dopazo, Ana; Encinas, Juan Manuel; Nilsson, Mats; García-Moreno, Fernando
    Development (Jul, 2024) DOI: 10.1242/dev.202429
  2. The Phylotypic Brain of Vertebrates, from Neural Tube Closure to Brain Diversification

    Senovilla-Ganzo, Rodrigo; García-Moreno, Fernando
    Brain Behavior and Evolution (Feb, 2024) DOI: 10.1159/000537748
  3. Functional evolutionary convergence of long noncoding RNAs involved in embryonic development

    Olazagoitia-Garmendia, Ane; Senovilla-Ganzo, Rodrigo; García-Moreno, Fernando; Castellanos-Rubio, Ainara
    Communications Biology (Sep, 2023) DOI: 10.1038/s42003-023-05278-z